30 Minutes of Daily Exercise!

Make a change with Hot Yoga! At HYU we stay on the pulse of what is going on in the areas of health, fitness and healthy weight. We offer two solid 60 minute classes and one 45 minute weight training class to get your blood flowing and your heart pumping. Classes that create inner peace, strength, facilitate a healthy body weight, tone your muscles and free your soul!

But, what if you are overweight and knew you could get results from just 30 minutes a day? That’s what one study, published in The American Journal of Physiology, is now suggesting. The study took sedentary, overweight men and put them into different groups: One group that exercised for 60 minutes a day, one that exercised for 30 minutes a day and a control group that did no exercise. The findings were surprising: After three months, both exercise groups lost a similar amount of weight, even though the 60-minute group burned twice as many calories during the workouts.

“Participants exercising 30 minutes per day burned more calories than they should relative to the training program that was set for them. In fact we can see that exercising for a whole hour instead of a half does not provide any additional loss in either body weight or fat. The men who exercised the most lost too little relative to the energy they burned by running, biking or rowing. 30 minutes of concentrated exercise give equally good results on the scale.”

30 minutes of daily exercise is just as effective for losing weight as 60 minutes!

What do those results mean to us?

Shoot for 30 in the beginning and work up to 60. Not only is hot yoga physically demanding, it demands more time and mental resources than you may have available. As a result, too many people may skip it altogether. A 90, 80 or even a 60 minute class can seem virtually impossible to anyone who is overweight and sedentary and is now choosing a healthy lifestyle.

“Over the past 10 years I have seen hundreds of overweight men and women walk through the doors of the yoga studio, wanting to experience the life changing benefits of hot yoga that are very real, only to quit after their first class or first few classes because it was just too difficult.” HYU Director Karin Fellman

Start out with a goal of 30 minutes in the room and build up to the full 60 minute class. The 30 minute goal will give you hope, more energy, faster results and help you to make healthy choices all day long.