Needing Nothing Attracts Everything

For my yoga today I chose a deeply restorative, ancient, little known meditation practice (except at HYU) called Awakening Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is the easiest form of meditation around, you simply lie down on your back, close your eyes, listen and feel. It uses the creating of a Sankalpa or intention to bring about change in ourselves, to manifest growth and even to bring dreams to reality. I have been practicing this form of sleep based meditation for almost two years and have experienced tremendous growth in my life! It is an effortless way to release stress, let go of the past, and create the life we truly desire.

Today’s session was very enlightening for me when it was time to create and repeat my Sankalpa. I always have a Sankalpa in mind before I begin and I did but when the teacher asked us to repeat our intention an inner chaos ensued. I felt a lot of confusion and doubt and even mild panic.. I thought to myself,

“Ultimately I know my life is unfolding as it should and that I have everything I need in this moment. And then the other part of me says, “yes that is true… but ask for what you want right now.”

I am aware of both my being- the eternal part of me and also of the becoming part of me… -the part that came to earth with a purpose, a destiny to fulfill… and for the first time these two aspects of myself created some confusion. There was a little battle of the minds and then I relaxed into the eternal part of my being and rested in that Divinity, my Sankalpa being one of acceptance and peace.

I came away feeling renewed and cleansed by my own tears, along with a much deeper understanding of who I am. Knowing that I can walk both of these paths at the same time with balance and discernment –the being and the becoming… and still achieve the goals I am destined to achieve, makes the journey lighter and more joyful.


Karin xx