Congratulations Aaron on 200 Yoga Classes!
We are so blessed to have such a terrific yoga family! Today we celebrated Aaron’s 200th yoga class. Aaron is a rock star in the hot room and we are happy he calls HYU home!
Here’s his testimonial:
Today will be my 200th class since…

Don’t We Need A Yoga Mat?
I hope everyone is having fun with the Instagram Challenge. Twenty one days of taking photographs in the Pose of the Day and posting them on Instagram @hotyogau #hyuhabit.
Today’s Challenge Pose was Pigeon. Teachers Tiffani, Ashton and…

The Get Fit HYU’s 21 Day Habit + Isagenix 30 day Cleanse is back!
Beginning July 1st, Release unwanted pounds, tone up, sleep well, find mental clarity, experience peace and feel great! Complete 21 classes in 30 days and strengthen, mind,…

Back to the Beach
For her birthday, HYU Director Karin Fellman returns to the beach and blogs about vacations gone by. Click here to read it.

Iron Yasa Returns to Evenings!
Beginning June 5th, IronYasa- Yoga with weights returns to evenings! This Level III class is truly a total body workout. Hot yogis strengthen, tone and shred their bodies in a class that begins like all of our classes with centering and then…

Summer Nirvana at Hot Yoga U
Summer is here and we have found Nirvana at HYU! For a Limited time only you can purchase up to 3 One month Passes from 5/20-5/26 to be used during the months of June, July and August for only $111 each! (Save $72 off our already awesome prices,…

Scottsdale HYU Yogi Travels the World
Hot Yoga University yogi Sara Potzler sold everything she owned and is traveling the world. Here is her inspiring blog about what it takes to go for what you want.
Click here to read more

Sunflowers and Pops Legacy of Love
By Ashton Schwarz
A year ago today, my grandfather passed away. His death came suddenly, and I was in no way prepared. A year ago today, the greatest man in my life left this plane. I was able to fly home and be by his side for several hours.…

Summer Break Thursdays – Free Yoga in Scottsdale, AZ
You worked hard this school year and now it’s time to relax and unwind. Come take a class on Thursdays, at the Valley’s best for Hot Yoga- HYU! Best of all, it’s FREE all summer long! Students bring your ID to any class time all day long…

Summer Cleanse at Scottsdale Hot Yoga Studio
Get Ready for Summer Cleanse Event
ISAGENIX TASTING w/HYU teacher Tiffani
Saturday April 26th 9am -12pm
Sample Isagenix shakes before and after classes.
What is Isagenix?
Isagenix is NOT a DIET, DETOX or FAST. Unlike fasting/detox…