Spirit Animal Awakening Yoga Nidra with Karin

Please join ERYT-500 Yoga Teacher and Yoga Nidra Master facilitator Karin August 12th-14th

Friday 7 pm Saturday 3:15pm and Sunday 1:15 pm

to discover your Spirit Animal. Spirit animals carry wisdom, power and meaning. Finding out your power animal can deepen your personal connection and empower you for success in any venture. Animals are ever-present in our lives, whether they’re our very own pets or a jackrabbit that scurries by.

Yoga Nidra provides a great space for your spirit or power animal to appear. This weekend Karin will take you on a journey to meet your spirit animal. Your spirit animal is the embodiment of your subconscious mind and therefore cannot be chosen. It has chosen you. Simply rest in awareness with an open heart and allow spirit animal to appear.

Your spirit animal is more than just an animal that we admire. They carry meaningful messages and is meant to serve as a guide and bring attention to a part of your life that needs to be acknowledged and explored. Your spirit animal may help:

  • Feel comforted through support and guidance.
  • Identify aspects of yourself that need to be developed.
  • Navigate parts of your everyday life that have a strong emotional impact
  • Discover possible life directions for reflection.
  • Create new perspectives on your current relationships, especially your relationship with nature and instinct.
  • Feel inspired by its natural qualities and power.
  • Loosen the ego-mind and open you to transformation.

Cultivating your connection with your spirit animal will allow you to form a powerful ally within yourself and feel a restored energy for engaging in life and facing challenges.

After the meditation we will have a short period sharing and looking deeper into the meaning of your spirit animal. We have several books on hand in the library for reference that we will have available.

See you there tiger!