Top 5 Benefits of Yoga

When my son was a teenager he liked to make fun of my new found love of yoga. I think he had grown tired of hearing his yoga teacher mom’s constant praises about all the benefits that a consistent practice provided. I would suggest to anyone that had pretty much anything wrong with them to come to a yoga class. He’d joke with his friends about how yoga cured everything. Well we know it may not cure everything but it sure does make life a lot easier.
Here are my top 5 benefits of a consistent yoga practice.
1) Greater awareness and stress relief. I believe these two go together, in fact I began my yoga practice for stress relief and through my practice became aware of the source of the my stress. Ultimately resigning from my corporate job of 10 years to become a yoga teacher.
2) Weight loss- I lost twenty pounds right away and my husband lost over 100 pounds in his first year practicing yoga. You definitely become more aware of your eating habits and and begin to make healthy choices.
3) Improved relationships- Yoga helps us to fall in love with ourselves again. Our inner life then becomes a love affair instead of a war zone and this new found feeling of love seeps into every relationship we have.
4) More Energy- Yoga is a gas station! Practicing everyday is filling up your tank again. Focusing on the present moment while practicing is also very restorative, allowing the life force or Prana to re-energize and heal our bodies.
5) Inner Peace- This is by far my favorite benefit. Through yoga I have found a peace that changed my life forever. I have been blessed with some amazing teachers who guided me to a place and encouraged me to rest in that space. Once there, I remembered who I am.
What’s your take away from your yoga practice?
Karin xx