The pursuit of happiness
This week my close friend asked me to make a list of ten things I love to do that make me truly happy. In doing so I realized I do not delegate a lot of time in my life for myself and the things I love to do.
For example practicing…

Go with the Flow
“ Standing still in rushing water takes a lot of effort it may feel safer than letting the river of life take us where it will be, but if we are too rigid and stuck in our ways we may be missing out on true happiness. “
I have…

I missed Hatha today…and the world didn’t end.
This morning my usual 27 minute drive to HYU was extended to 32 minutes due to the lovely 101 construction. This extension caused me to miss my favorite Hatha class taught by my favorite yoga instructor Karin by just 4 minutes. Now if you…

My First Time…
My first time at HYU was for a HOTFIT class. I was invited to by a friend and to be quite honest I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve always thought I was athletic but I quickly learned hot yoga took a different type of discipline and athleticism.…

Meet Brittney our new blogger!
“Feel the fear and do it anyway!”
Susan Jeffers
Once it was announced that I was going to be blogging for HYU this fear of failure has overcome me. It has gripped my fingers, blocked my mind and prevented me from writing…

Sacred Women’s Circle
We are honored to offer the opportunity to experience the powerful medicine of women's sacred community with new moon. There is evidence that women gathering together in spiritual ritual gatherings as early as 300,000 years ago in…

Summer Bodies 6 Week Fitness Challenge
Summer Bodies are Made in Winter Challenge
MAKE THIS SUMMER YOUR SUMMER TO REMEMBER! Working out in winter definitely has its advantages; It’s a great way to get in shape slowly and safely over a longer period of time. We are all…

2019 Intention Setting Workshop
What a great time at the New Year’s Day Yoga Nidra Intention Setting workshop with Master Yoga Nidra Facilitators Karin and Carol! Yogis learned all about how to create the perfect intention for the new year then…

200 Hour YTT Final Practicums
Our Fall 200 Hour Yoga teacher training ends in a couple weeks and practicums are in full swing. Today three daring and ready trainees took the seat of the teacher and taught their own amazing vinyasa flows. Next week all the remaining…

This body is home
“This is it: This body is home. This is where I live and hang my hat. This is where I settle into my hips and sit easy in myself, slung together with strong muscles and bones, made gentle and forging with flesh. This body is durable, has…