HALLOWEE-NIDRA Release Past Experiences Friday 7pm

Hallowee-NIDRA This Friday Let Gooooo of the Past…..

Are you ready to release the past and let the internal skeletons out of the closet? Are there some experiences in your past that you continue to relive over and over, even though you know these old thoughts do not serve you? Would you like to live in happiness and joy, free from these self defeating thoughts?

This Friday night 7pm- Halloween, come experience a Hallowee-Nidra by Candlelight. Let it all go so you can finally be free to live your life in the present moment. Yoga nidra is one of the most powerful meditation techniques that allows you to let go of past experiences. There may even be some things you are not aware of at a conscious level, that hold you back from fully living your life, that will naturally release during the nidra. Get ready to enter a state of deep peace, clarity and acceptance, let go of the past and be free… Spooky beverages and treats afterward.