New Year’s Yoga Nidra Intention Setting Yoga Nidra Workshop

2018 New Year Yoga Nidra and Intention Setting Workshop
- Join Master Yoga Nidra facilitator Karin Fellman for very special Intention setting Yoga Nidra on New Year’s Day!
Do you make a New Year’s Resolution every year, only to have it fall by the wayside a week or two later?
Yoga Nidra is an effortless way to manifest your hearts desire.
A true Nidra practice incorporates both physical practice (asana, or simply tensing and relaxing one’s muscles), and pranayama (breathwork) as preliminary stages in a guided meditation that is specifically designed to slow one’s brainwaves from their waking beta state into deeper levels of relaxation.
As we continue to relax, we descend into deeper levels of consciousness. Eventually we are able to access our subconscious mind- a place beyond learned fears and boundaries.
This is where the Nidra practice becomes so powerful. Instead of just learning to access and enjoy this state, Nidra enables us to plant an intention into our subconscious mind. At this level, below fears and learned behaviors, our intention is able to take hold and manifest in a way that would otherwise take years of meditation and karmic clearing. To put it simply, Nidra allows our intention to slip through the barriers erected by our conscious minds.
Already have an idea what your New Year’s resolution is? Bring it to the workshop and let Karin help you create a powerful intention for 2018!
Because our intention becomes such a powerful tool when incorporated into a Nidra practice, it is vitally important to craft our intentions carefully and deliberately.
Then cover up and relax into a restful awareness as you plant your intention during nidra and enjoy sound healing with crystal singing bowls.
Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep based meditation practice and a powerful way to manifest your hearts desires. Learn how to set your intention from a place of consciousness, balance, and compassion. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing. Props and blankets provided, bring an eye pillow.
There are no physical restrictions and Yoga Nidra is highly beneficial for all who practice. Practitioners say they feel immediate release of stress, pain and an overall sense of well-being.
When: January 1st
Time 3 – 4:30 pm
Invite your friends and family! This is a special event workshop $25.00 per person. Space is limited, sign up online or at the studio. Make this New Year your new year!!!